Easter Lily & Palm Cross Sale

Easter Lilies and Palm Crosses

Order your Easter lilies and palm crosses (perfect for your garden) now – for yourself, friends, and as a remembrance for loved ones at Easter.

Donated lilies will be placed inside the Franciscan Monastery church and the palm crosses will be lovingly placed in the gardens. Your loved ones (living or deceased) will be remembered in the friars’ prayers throughout Holy Week and the Easter season. And, your support will help us maintain the Monastery’s historic gardens and expand our vegetable donation program for our community in need.

Pre-orders are $9 for lilies and crosses you pick up and $8 for those donated. Use this downloadable form (mail or drop off at the Franciscan Monastery gift shop) or order online here (please use the comment box at checkout to note the names of the loved ones to be put on lilies and on crosses).

After ordering, download this dedication flyer to share your Easter prayers.

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