Easter Lily and Palm Cross Sale

Easter is less than two months away and the annual Easter Lilly and Palm Cross sale is fast approaching. The Franciscan Monastery Garden Guild offers on Palm Sunday weekend, the quality lilies we have become known for at our annual Easter Lily Sale.  Lilies or palm crosses may also be donated to the Church to decorate for Easter. Pre-orders are welcomed and will very much assist planning efforts.  The dates of the sale are Saturday March 23 from 10 am – 6 pm and Sunday March 24, 2013 from 8 am – 3 pm

You can download the sale form and mail it to FMGG, PO Box 29059, Washington, DC  20017

Mother of Thousands

This week brought us an outbreak of blooms from our Mother of Thousands Plant also called Alligator Plant, or Mexican Hat Plant. We have several of these blooming in the greenhouse at the moment. The plant is a succulent native to Madagascar. I am not sure motherofthousandshow it ended up at the greenhouse but as the name suggests, it spreads pretty easily. You can find out more information from Wikipedia. One item to note is that all parts of the plant are poisonous and can be fatal if ingested by infants or small pets.