May the Light of Christ, rising in glory,
dispel the darkness of our hearts and minds.
Easter Lily Dedications (2024)
Each person listed here will be remembered in the daily prayers of the Friars during Holy Week and Easter. Please also include them in your own prayers.
If you see an error, please email the correction to our list coordinator.
Helen Louise Ball+
William Howard and Angela Ball+
Patty Derrick and family
Mary Fields+
Eileen Susan Garner+
Robert & Wilhelmina Gibbs+
Arthur and Naomi Jackson+
Eric Jackson, Sr.+
Leon Jackson, Sr.+
Odile+ and Roman+ V Marynowych
William and Catherine Miles+
Frederick and Josephine Miles+
Mary Ann Roach+
Adrienne Schmidt and family
Mary Ann Schrader and family
Cheryl Speed+
Mr. & Mrs. Terry & Teresa Turner