Dedicate a Luminaria – Order Online

Orders are now closed for this year. Thank you for your support and join us for the blessing and lighting on Dec  24, 1:30 pm  

Dedicate luminarias in honor of loved ones this Christmas. This Christmas, dedicate luminarias in honor of your loved ones at the Franciscan Monastery of the Holy Land in America. Each name will be inscribed on a luminaria as a prayerful tribute that will illuminate the Monastery’s Rosary Portico from Christmas Eve to New Year’s Eve. The honored also will be remembered in the friars’ daily prayers.

The suggested donation is $15/dedication. You can make your dedication three ways:

  • Pick up an order form
  • Download the form here (write extra names on the back) or
  • Order online here; you also can download a tribute flyer to share the dedication with the honoree or a family member.

If you are interested in volunteering to set up, please contact Joe at

Also, please come to the Blessing and Lighting of the Luminaria on Christmas Eve, Dec. 24, 1:30 p.m. Join FMGG members in lighting the candles following a short prayer service and sprinkling with holy water.