Due to restrictions on travel and gatherings as a result of the pandemic, the Franciscan Monastery Garden Guild is not holding our regular Easter Lily and Palm Cross Sale in 2020.

We are accepting donations (online or by mail) for upgrades for the greenhouse. 

If you have already pre-ordered a lily or palm cross, a member of the Garden Guild will be contacting you regarding your order, and the path forward.  If you do not hear from the Garden Guild by April 3, you may contact GardenGuild@gmail.com to inquire.  Thank you!

Donated lilies will be placed inside the Franciscan Monastery  church on Easter weekend, and Palm crosses will be lovingly placed in the gardens on Palm Sunday weekend.  Your loved ones’ names (living or deceased) will be remembered in the friars’ prayers throughout Holy Week and the Easter season.

Your support also will help us maintain the Monastery’s historic gardens and expand our vegetable donation program for our community in need.  Please note that there will be no names affixed separately on lilies or palm crosses, as the Garden Guild does not want to jeopardize the health of our volunteers, in keeping with the guidelines of health and government authorities, regarding public gatherings.

Thank you so much for your understanding and your support. Be well. Be safe.