Annual Easter Lily & Palm Cross Sale is Here

It’s time to pre-order your Easter lilies and palm crosses! Then, just pick up your items on Palm Sunday weekend (March 28-29, 2015).

Simply download this order form, complete it and mail with your contribution to the easter lilyFranciscan Monastery Garden Guild, or drop it off at the monastery gift shop.


The lilies and crosses are beautiful for your home, as gifts, or as a donation in honor of a loved one to the Franciscan Monastery. Donated lilies and crosses decorate the church on Easter.

The price is just $9 each at the sale, $8 for pre-orders and just $7 when donated to the monastery for Easter.

If you are interested in volunteering to help set up the sale (on Friday, March 27) or decorate the church (on Saturday, April 4), please contact Eddie Purcell.