Honey Harvesting Workshops Rescheduled

imageThe June 18 honey harvesting workshops have been rescheduled to July 30, 2016 (9:30-12 noon or 12 noon-2:30 p.m.).

Here’s a note from Joe Bozik about the reason for the change:

image“Unfortunately, due to the near historic wet spring, honeybees in the entire metropolitan area have not been able to effectively gather the peak nectar flows of flowering trees (tulip poplar & locust in particular). If it is raining, bees cannot fly. In fact, any honey in the hives has been consumed by the bees for food since they could not fly out as often. This is a very unusual situation and rarely experienced by Washington’s beekeeper community.

“Therefore, the FMGG has had to CANCEL our scheduled honey extraction of June 18 (this Saturday). The extraction workshops have been rescheduled to July 30, and all registrations transferred to the new date.”
To register or for questions (or refunds if you cannot make July 30), please contact us at gardenguild@gmail.com. Thank you!

We also post regular updates and activities on Facebook.
