2013 Luminaria Program Follow-up

The Franciscan Monastery Garden Guild wishes to thank the following:

  •  The 165 benefactors who supported the 14th Annual Christmas Luminaria Program. With their support , 1,040 candles remembering their friends and love ones  burned brightly throughout the Rosary Portico and the Portiuncula Chapel during the seven days between Christmas and New Year’s.
  •  The Leisure World of Maryland Woodshop Users Group members who built 300 new luminaria lanterns for the Guild  as a community service project. The additional lanterns replaced aging ones and increased our lanterns within the Portico to 948 this year, using almost the complete capacity of both sides of the Portico.

In addition, we hope our membership and friends saw the wonderful photograph of the Monastery’s Guardian, Father Larry Dunham, blessing the luminaria lantern candles during the “lighting of the candles” ceremony on Christmas Eve that appeared in The Washington Post on Christmas Day.

Images of the Luminaria