Annual Herb and Plant Sale 2014

Mark your calendars, the Franciscan Monastery Garden Guild’s Annual Herb and Plant Sale is right around the corner. The official dates and times are April 26, 10 am-6 pm and April 27, 9 am-3 pm. As always the address is 1400 Quincy Street NE, Washington, DC 20017.

herb_saleThis year is going to unique due the large number of plants that we have propagated in our historic greenhouse. We will be showcasing a wide variety of plants that highlight different portions of gardens. We have Angel Trumpets, Pomegranates, Siberian Iris, and Roses to name a few.

As always we will have an amazing selection of herbs, vegetables, annuals, perennials, roses, shrubs, fruit trees, camellias, azaleas and more!

Come out and enjoy the day.